Rolf J. Furuli har vært universitetslektor i semitiske språk, og i mer enn ett tiår har han undervist i akkadisk, arameisk, etiopisk, hebraisk, fønikisk, syrisk og ugarittisk. Han har også studert arabisk, gresk, latin, middel-egyptisk og anvendt lingvistikk, og han har oversatt mange dokumenter fra de semittiske språk og sumerisk til norsk og engelsk. I 2005 forsvarte han sin doktoravhandling, hvor han argumenterer for en helt ny forståelse av verbsystemet i klassisk hebraisk. Han har skrevet 11 bøker og flere artikler som drøfter bibelske emner, bibeloversettelse og oldtidens historie og kronologi.
- 1995 – Imperfect Consecutive and the Verbal System of Biblical Hebrew (thesis, Mag. Art., University of Oslo), 362 pages.
- 1997 –“The Problem of Induction and the Hebrew Verb.” Built on Solid Rock, E. Wardini, ed., pp. 82-90 ISBN 82-7099-283-6.
- 1999 – The Role of Theology and Bias in Bible Translation With a Special Look at the New World Translation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 334 pages ISBN 0-9659814-4-4
- 2000 – “Modern models and the study of dead languages” Motskrift, NTNU, Trondheim pp. 83–86
- 2001 – “The study of new religious movements with a stress on the mental health of Jehovah’s Witnesses (with Leon Groenewald and Johan Nerdrum) Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening (Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association), 2, pp. 123–128.
- 2002 – Vitenskap og Bibeloversettelse ”Kristianisering” og ”Mytologisering” av Bibelens hebraiske tekst (Science and Bible Translation – «Christianizing» and «Mythologizing» of the Hebrew Text of the Bible), 201 pages ISBN 82-994633-1-9 (In Norwegian and Danish)
- 2002 –“The NWT’s translation of the Hebrew verbal system with particular stress on waw consecutive.” In Your Word is Truth—The Fiftieth Anniversary of the New World Translation T. Byatt and H. Flemings, eds., 221-241 ISBN 0-9506212-6-9
- 2003 – Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian Chronology Compared with the Chronology of the Bible, Volume 1: Persian Chronology and the Length of the Babylonian Exile of the Jews, 251 pages ISBN 82-994633-3-5
- 2005 – The verbal System of Classical Hebrew An Attempt to Distinguish Between Semantic and Pragmatic Factors. In Current Issues in the Analysis of Semitic Grammar and Lexicon I. L. Ezard and J. Retsø eds., pp. 205–231. ISBN 3-447-05268-6
- 2006 – A New Understanding of the Verbal System of Classical Hebrew – An Attempt to Distinguish Between Semantic and Pragmatic Factors. Doctoral dissertation, 504 pages ISBN 82-994633-4-3
- 2007 –The Neo-Babylonian Chronology and the Cuneiform Tablet VAT 4956 in Forschung-Bibel-Artefakte, Berlin, pp. XIV-XVIII ISBN 978-3-9811529-2-0
- 2007 – Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian Chronology Compared with the Chronology of the Bible, Volume II: Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian Chronology, 370 pages. ISBN 978-82-994633-6-2
- 2008 – Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian Chronology Compared with the Chronology of the Bible, Volume 1: Persian Chronology and the Length of the Babylonian Exile of the Jews, revised edition. 376 pages. ISBN 82-994633-5-1
- 2009 – “Hvordan tenker Jehovas vitner? Et vitne beskriver troen ”(How do Jehovah’s Witnesses think? A Witness describes the faith). In Jehovas vitner En Flerfaglig Studie (Jehovahs Witnesses An Interdisciplinary Study), 156-166 pages ISBN 978-82-15-01453-1
- 2011 – The Role of Theology and Bias in Bible Translation With a Special Look at the New World Translation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Second edition, 475 pages. ISBN 978-82-92978-02-3
- 2012 – Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian Chronology Compared with the Chronology of the Bible, Volume 1: Persian Chronology and the Length of the Babylonian Exile of the Jews, Second edition, 413 pages. ISBN 978-82-92978-03-0
- 2013 – Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian Chronology Compared with the Chronology of the Bible, Volume II: Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian Chronology, Second edition, 502 pages. ISBN 978-82-92978-04-7
- 2014 – Jehovah’s Witnesses: Adherent Essay. In Handbook of Religion A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices, T.C Muck, H.A. Netland, and G.R. McDermott, eds. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 485-488 pages. ISBN 978-08010-3776-4
- 2017 – When Was the Book of Daniel Written? A Philological, Lingusitc, and Historical Appraoch. 330 pages. ISBN 978-82-92978-06-1
- 2018 – The Tetragram —Its History, its Use in the New Testament, and Its Pronunciation, 250 pages. 978-82-92978-09-2
- 2019 – Can we Trust the Bible? With Focus on the Creation Account, the Worldwide Flood, and the Prophecies, Epub edition, 1,550 pages, 1,100 photographs. ISBN 978-82-92978-07-8
- 2020 – The Fallacy of Prophetic Perfect – With Translation of Verses From the Prophets. 363 pages. ISBN978-82-92978-10-8
- My Beloved Religion — and the Governing Body. 345 pages. ISBN 978-82-92978-12-2
- 2001 – Gilgamesh og Atrahasis To babylonske helter (Gilgamesh and Atrahasis two Babylonian Heroes (with Jens Braarvig and Tor Åge Bringsværd) – translated from Akkadian
- 2003 – Enoks Bok (The book of Enoch) – translated from Ethiopic ISBN 82-525-5177-7
- 2004 – Dødehavsrullene (The Dead Sea Scrolls) – translated documents from Hebrew and Aramaic ISBN 82-525-5199-8
- 2006 – Sumeriske Skrifter (Sumerian Writings) – translated documents from Sumerian ISBN 82-525-6213-2
- 2008 – Kebra Nagast – translated from Ethiopic ISBN 978-82-525-6704-5
- 2008 – Baal Gudenes konge i Ugarit (Baal the King of the Gods in Ugarit) – translated some documents from Ugaritic, Phoenician, and Hebrew ISBN 978-82-525-6590-4